Sirji’s dogfood release is just around the corner, and we have a whole bunch of updates.
Dogfood is going to be our very first release, and it won’t have a browser-based interface. Instead, it’s going to be a basic command line interface with terminal windows with logs from various agents.
Kedar talks about what you can expect from the interface of the dogfood release.
Alongside, Rachin is already exploring Sirji’s eventual IDE and why he’s drawn towards solutions like codespace.

Prompts & Messages
We have standardized the system prompts for each agent, and created a simple protocol for inter-agent communication.
Here’s Sunil’s update on the messages & prompts packages.
Stitching It Together
The good news is the Planner & Coder integration is done, and they are talking to each other. But the Executor is throwing errors. And that’s what we are debugging right now.
More tomorrow...